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Cancellation of insurance binder

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No motor vehicle liability policy as defined in section thirty-four A of chapter ninety shall be issued or delivered in the commonwealth until a copy of the form of the policy has been on file with the commissioner for at least thirty days, unless before the expiration of said period the commissioner shall have approved the form of the policy in writing, nor if the commissioner notifies the company in writing that in his opinion the form of said policy does not comply with the laws of the commonwealth, specifying his reasons therefor, provided that he shall notify the company in writing within said period of his approval or disapproval thereof, and provided, further, that such action of the commissioner shall be subject to review by the supreme judicial court nor if it contains any exceptions or exclusions as to specified accidents or injuries or causes thereof nor unless it contains in substance the following provisions:. Section 113A: Motor vehicle liability policies contents commissioner's approval options to purchase policies or bonds notice of reduced or eliminated coverages

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